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Daily Archives: April 25, 2013

Get Ready For A Nuclear Iran! … J. D. Longstreet

Get Ready For A Nuclear Iran!Flash Point 2016 Logo with Wreath and Torche
Has Iran Already Crossed the Red Line?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


According to The Israeli National News: “Former Military Intelligence head, Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin, said Tuesday that “Iran has already crossed Israel’s new ‘red line'” regarding nuclear weapons development.

Yadlin, who is the Head of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), said that in the summer, Iran will reach a distance of one or two months between a decision and a bomb.” That is, it will be able to build a nuclear bomb within a month or two of deciding to do so.

“This is a breakthrough range that will make it very difficult to stop Iran, when it decides to have a bomb.”SOURCE:

In the same article Yadlin is quoted as saying:  “Negotiations can succeed, he added, if the U.S. creates a credible military option. This will be achieved if the U.S. prepares for a surgical strike for stopping the nuclear program and makes clear that it will be able to deal with the escalation that will follow such a strike.” SOURCE:

The long and the short of it is — Israel — AND– the US are screwed!

This, dear reader, is what you get when the free world is led by a lamentably naive golden-throated narcissistic Marxist who never misses a chance to demonstrate his unaffected simplicity and lack of guile and worldly experience when it comes to world politics and global leadership.

Allow me to spell it out plainly:  Unless Israel takes the reins in its teeth and launches an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran WILL build a nuclear bomb — and all the world will be held hostage to their fanatical Islamic despotism.

If Israel will not, or cannot, mount a successful attack, and Iran acquires the bomb, the fault will lie squarely at the feet of President Obama — and nowhere else.

President Obama is perhaps the least prepared and least qualified person to ever hold the office of President of the United States — and it shows.  Oh, HOW it shows.

By his refusal of global leadership the world is in chaos. Heck, the US is in near chaos.  And it is not going to get better until the US and the world get the kind of leadership necessary to screw the lid down on trouble making rogue nations like Iran and North Korea and read the riot act to aggressive nations seeking hegemony in their regions of the globe. That is not going to happen as long as Obama occupies the Oval Office.

Can anyone define Obama’s foreign policy?  Is there one?  His diplomatic stumbles around the globe give the impression any foreign policy of his administration is made up on the fly with very little real thought.

Today, we stand on the cusp of nuclear war. Think that is too strong?  Want to take the chance that North Korea has not managed to develop a small nuclear warhead they can mount on the tip of their long range missile?  Want to take that chance?  Because that is exactly what Obama is doing.  And it is YOUR life at risk, and the lives of your loved ones.

We KNOW the DPRK has nuclear weapons. We KNOW Iran is rapidly approaching the final development of a nuclear bomb.  We KNOW that Iran and North Korea are working in tandem and have been for years.  Are you willing to take the chance that IF North Korea has a nuclear warhead for a missile they won’t provide one to Iran?   Iran’s  problem with developing a nuclear missile to strike Israel would be solved overnight.

The Obama administration exudes weakness and draws enemies attracted by that weakness like flies to a dung heap.

Just in the past few days we have had one terrorist attack on a major US city and a would-be attack on a major transportation rail line between Canada and the US was foiled by Canadian authorities with the assistance of US authorities.

Just as sharks can smell blood in the water for miles and miles, America’s enemies can detect the “odor” of weakness half a globe away.  Now, as we have seen,  they can and will act on that perceived weakness on our own soil, either by terrorist attacks or by lobbing a nuclear missile across the Pacific Ocean to take out Honolulu, Los Angles, Seattle, Portland, or Anchorage, Alaska.

On top of all his other mistakes, Obama has committed the US military to Africa.  No pun intended, but Africa is a black hole just like those in space.  It will suck anything and everything that gets near it into its darknessand leach it dry.

There is a reason the European colonial powers gave up and left Africa a long time ago. Their colonies were slowly bankrupting them!  There is no wining in Africa because there is nothing there TO win. Only Africa can save Africa.  And they are not ready to join the modern world this century.  Maybe in  another hundred years, or so.

So, it provides no comfort knowing that Iran is closing on its desire to have its very own nuclear bomb, which it intends to drop on Israel and the United States at the earliest opportunity.

It should come as no surprise when the Obama administration rolls out their plans for “containment of a nuclear Iran.”  Many have felt for some time that was Obama’s ultimate goal all the while.

Understand: The Arab nations are scared witless of the Persian nation. If Iran is allowed to possess a nuclear bomb, expect all the Arab nations in the region to go nuclear almost overnight — in self defense.  They won’t waste time with developing their own nuclear programs, they will simply purchase nuclear bombs and missiles and be done with it.

Now — allow me to ask you — how much safer will YOU feel if and when the entire Middle East is armed to the teeth with nuclear bombs and missiles?

This is what we get with the Three Stooges of American foreign policy, Obama, Hagel, and Kerry in charge. Neville Chamberlain would, indeed, be, oh, so proud!

© J. D. Longstreet


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The EPA Snake Pit … Alan Caruba

The EPA Snake Pit



By Alan CarubaFlash Point 2016 Logo with Wreath and Torche

Under President Obama, two women have been the director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Carol Browner, who served in the Clinton administration and was one of the “czars” Obama appointed; her acolyte Lisa Jackson, and up for the post is Gina McCarthy. Browner and Jackson went out of their way to conceal their internal communications from Congress and McCarthy lied to the committee considering her nomination.

How bad is the EPA? The Society of Environmental Journalists, on the occasion of the April 11 hearing on McCarthy’s nomination, released a statement that said, “The Obama administration has been anything but transparent in its dealings with reporters seeking information, interviews and clarification on a host of environmental, health and public lands issues.” The SEJ accused the EPA of being “one of the most closed, opaque agencies to the press.”


Apparently, the primary consideration for the job of EPA Director is an intense desire to destroy the use of hydrocarbons, oil, coal and natural gas, for transportation and all other forms of energy on which our economy depends. Obama, when campaigning in 2008, made it clear he wanted end the use of coal to generate electricity. At the time, fifty percent of all electricity was produced by coal and now that figure is in decline as coal-fired plants are being forced to close thanks to EPA regulations.


If Ms. McCarthy has her way, the cost of driving cars and trucks will go up in the name of protecting the health of Americans. As Paul Driessen, a senior policy advisor for the Committee For a Constructive Tomorrow, recently noted, “Since 1970, America’s cars have eliminated 99% of pollutants that once came out of tailpipes.” Joel Schwartz, co-author of “Air Quality in America”, points out, “Today’s cars are essentially zero-emission vehicles, compared to 1970 models.” The EPA’s latest attack on drivers is the implementation of “Tier 3 rules” intended to reduce sulfur levels to achieve zero air quality or health benefits.


Suffice to say that the air and water in America is clean, very clean. Whatever health hazards existed in the 1970s no longer exist. Like all bureaucracies, the EPA now exists to expand its budget and its control over our lives. The Heritage Foundation has calculated that Obama’s EPA’s twenty “major” regulations—those that cost $100 million or more annually—could cost the U.S. more than $36 billion per year. Obama’s EPA has generated 1,920 new regulations.


Don’t think of the EPA as a government agency. It is a weapon of economic destruction.


This has not gone unnoticed. A recent Wall Street Journal opinion by John Barrasso, a Republican Senator from Wyoming, noted that “During President Obama’s first term, EPA policies discouraged energy exploration, buried job creators under red tape, and deliberately hid information from the public.”


“Many EPA regulations,” said Sen. Barrasso, “chased microscopic benefits at maximum cost,” noting for example that “The EPA has proposed dropping the acceptable amount of ozone in the air from the 75 parts per billion allowed today to 60 or 70 parts per billion. The agency concedes that the rule would have a minimal effect on American’s health, but says it would cost as much as $90 billion a year. A study by the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation estimated it would eliminate up to 7.3 million jobs in a wide variety of industries, including refining.”


The other sector in the EPA’s bull’s eye is agriculture. Not content with laying siege to auto manufacturers, oil refineries, coal-fired plants, and all other energy users that might generate carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse gases, Barrasso noted that the EPA “has gathered personal information about tens of thousands of livestock farmers and the locations of their operations” which it then shared with environmental groups.


Writing in The Daily Caller, Henry Miller, a physician and molecular biologist and currently the Robert Wesson Fellow in Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, characterized the EPA as “a miasma populated by the most radical, disaffected and anti-industry discards from other agencies,” adding that there was “entrenched institutional paranoia and an oppositional world view.” 


“Unscientific policies and regulatory grandiosity and excess,” wrote Dr. Miller, “are not EPA’s only failings; neglecting to weigh costs and benefits is shockingly common, noting that “The EPA’s repeated failures should not come as a surprise because the agency has long been a haven for scientifically insupportable policies perpetrated by anti-technology ideologues.”


Marlo Lewis, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, writing in Forbes magazine, pointed out Gina McCarthy, the nominee to direct the EPA, “has a history of misleading Congress and the public about her agency’s greenhouse gas regulations. “At a hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in October 2011, McCarthy denied motor vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards are “related to” fuel economy standards. In doing so,” said Lewis, “she denied plain facts she must know to be true. She did so under oath.”


“The EPA has no statutory authority to regulate fuel economy. More importantly, the federal Energy Policy and Conservation Act prohibits states from adopting laws or regulations ‘related to’ fuel economy.”


The point of this exercise is demonstrate that the EPA is the very definition of a “rogue agency” for which neither laws, nor science, are of any consequence as it pursues policies that do incalculable harm at a time when the nation is deep in debt and in need of economic growth, not regulatory strangulation.


© Alan Caruba, 2013 





Alan Caruba’s commentaries are posted daily at “Warning Signs” and shared on dozens of news and opinion websites. His blog recently passed more than 2 million page views. If you love to read, visit his monthly report on new books at Bookviews. For information on his professional skills, Caruba Editorial Services is the place to go! You can find Alan Caruba on both Facebook and Twitter as well.


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